Wekagram (Wg) is the unit of mass equal to 1027 kilograms, or 0.5267 Jupiter masses or 167.4 Earth masses. It would be most useful for measuring masses of giant gas planets in metric units besides Jupiter masses and kilograms. But for rocky planets, xentagram (Xg), which is 0.001 Wg, can be used besides Earth masses and kilograms. For stars, vundagram (Vg), equalling 1000 Wg, can be assigned besides solar masses and kilograms. For moons, asteroids and other small celestial bodies, yottagram (Yg), which is one-millionth of a wekagram, can be used in addition to Lunar masses and kilograms.
Object | Metric | Planetary |
Ceres | 0.9433 Yg | 0.0128 ML |
Pluto | 13.0 Yg | 0.178 ML |
Moon | 73.5 Yg | 1.000 ML |
Io | 83.9 Yg | 1.142 ML |
Titan | 135 Yg | 1.829 ML |
Kepler-37b | 0.156 Xg | 0.0262 M⊕ |
Mercury | 0.330 Xg | 0.0553 M⊕ |
Mars | 0.642 Xg | 0.107 M⊕ |
Venus | 4.870 Xg | 0.815 M⊕ |
Earth | 5.974 Xg | 1.000 M⊕ |
GJ 1214 b | 39.15 Xg | 6.554 M⊕ |
Kepler-22b | 52.29 Xg | 8.754 M⊕ |
Uranus | 0.0868 Wg | 14.53 M⊕ |
Neptune | 0.102 Wg | 17.15 M⊕ |
Saturn | 0.568 Wg | 0.299 MJ |
Jupiter | 1.899 Wg | 1.000 MJ |
Tau Boötis b | 11.294 Wg | 5.949 MJ |
Kappa Andromedae b | 24.364 Wg | 12.833 MJ |
Proxima Centauri | 0.244 Vg | 0.123 M☉ |
Sun | 1.989 Vg | 1.000 M☉ |
Eta Carinae | 242.8 Vg | 122.1 M☉ |